
Nationwide Shipping - Local Pickup

Whitakers, NC

Hobby farm specializing in rare breed chickens - NPIP Certified/AI Clean



Price List

New Bird Sales Policy


Breda Fowl

Chicks - $25 each

Juveniles - $30-$50 each

Bruges Fighter

Hatching Eggs - $100/dozen

Chicks - $25 each

Juveniles - $30-$50 each

Liege Fighter

Chicks - $30 each

Juveniles - $35-$60

Adult Birds

All adults are priced individually based on quality.


I have moved entirely to first-come, first-serve sales. Having received such a large number of pre-orders and inquires to purchase birds in previous years has prevented me from raising the quantity of grow-outs that I would like to be producing. While I very much appreciate the support and demand for these chickens, this decision will allow me to produce (and provide) exceedingly better and better birds to others, at a faster rate than before.

Please see our Farm Store page for more detailed information about acquiring birds from our farm.


Please visit the Farm Store page for more details.

Kellogg and Lily.jpg

What’s available immediately?

This provides a preview of some of the birds currently available. For a full list, visit the Farm Store page.

12 Liege Fighter Chicks


The Latest News!


Bruges Fighter Ordering

Bruges Fighter eggs and chicks will now be available to order in advance! Due to the lower volume of this incredible but lesser known breed, I will no longer be setting these eggs routinely. Bruges hatching eggs will be available to purchase, as well as ordering chicks to be custom hatched for you. Eggs will be shipped fresh in foam egg shippers, extras included whenever possible. Shipping included in price. To clarify, hatching eggs will still not be available for any other breeds. Send us a message if you would like Bruges Fighters to order!

-May 2024-

New Vaccination Policy

Mareks vaccination will be an optional add on this year. They will be available for an extra $2 per chick, rather than included in the price of all chicks. This change is due to the high cost and extensive time that vaccinations take.

-March 2024-


Kellogg (Now Retired) - Birchen Splash Belgian Liege rooster


HUGE Belgian hens - Lily here is nearly as tall as our roosters!


Contact Us

Wanting to place an order? Please review the Farm Store page for prices and quantities, and use the order placing form located there.

Have additional questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out!